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Bid Classification: 
Bid Type:  Tender
Bid Number:  2024-005R
Bid Name:  Bridge 44 Replacement
Bid Status:  Open
Bid Closing Date:  Thu Oct 3, 2024 4:00:00 PM (EDT)
Question Deadline:  Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:00:00 PM (EDT)
Duration in months:  4
Negotiation Type:  Refer to project document
Condition for Participation:  Refer to project document
Electronic Auctions:  Not Applicable
Language for Bid Submissions:  English unless specified in the bid document
Submission Type:  Online Submissions Only
Submission Address:  Online Submissions Only
Public Opening:  No

The work is located on St. Clair Parkway over the Marshy Creek, west of Indian Road in the Community of Port Lambton, Township of St. Clair.

The work includes but not limited to the following:
a) Removal of existing concrete structure (Bridge 44).
b) Species at risk protection and monitoring.
c) Excavation for structure and dewater for excavation.
d) Installation of roadway protection system performance level 2.
e) Installation of temporary flow passage system.
f) Construct new bridge substructure: supply and install HP-310x110 H-Piles and reinforced concrete pier caps.
g) Construct new bridge superstructure: supply and install structural plate steel corrugated pipe (SPCSP) culvert, reinforced concrete headwalls, and reinforced concrete distribution slab.
h) Supply and install TL-4 traffic barriers with concrete curbs and concrete end walls.
i) Supply and install steel beam guiderails with energy attenuation end treatments and connection to concrete end walls.
j) New civil construction: granular backfilling, base and subbase, asphalt paving, and pavement marking.

It is the responsibility of the Contractor to familiarize themselves, and/or their sub-contractors, with the existing site conditions.

The Township will NOT be responsible for any extra costs that may result from failure to complete an existing site investigation.


Bid Document Access:  Bid document preview, bid opportunity, and award notices are available on the site free of charge. Suppliers are not required to register for a bid opportunity prior to previewing unsecured bid documents. Please note, some documents may be secured and you will be required to register for the bid to download and view the documents. To obtain an unsecured version of the bid document and/or to participate in this opportunity, an annual or a per bid fee must be paid (annual fee - $439.90, per bid fee - $132.04).
Trade Agreements:  Show Trade Agreements [+]
Categories:  Show Categories [+]
  • Construction
    • Infrastructure (Traffic Signalization)
    • Affordable Housing
    • Parks, Trails & Landscape
    • Roads, Bridge, Sidewalks
    • Drainage
    • Supplies (barricades, pylons, speed signs, etc.)
    • Infrastructure
    • Building & Renovation
    • Municipal Drains
    • Infrastructure (Wastewater)
    • Restoration Services
    • Remediation Services
    • Demolition
    • Heavy Duty Equipment
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